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Showing: February, 2014
Senate Passes Tax Cut Legislation

The Senate today passed legislation that would lower the state’s income tax rate to below 5 percent if the state’s economy continues to improve.

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Sen. Mazzei debate on tax bill.
Sen. Loveless debates for tax bill.
Senate Passes Tax Cut Legislation

The Senate today passed legislation that would lower the state’s income tax rate to below 5 percent if the state’s economy continues to improve.

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Sen. Mazzei debate on tax bill.
Sen. Loveless debates for tax bill.
Senate Pro Tem Brian Bingman Weekly Q & A (Week 4)

The Senate Public Safety Committee passed legislation Thursday barring cell phone use in Oklahoma school zones.

Senate Bill 1601 makes it illegal for anyone operating a motor vehicle to use a wireless communications device in a school zone. The bill does not apply to cars that are stopped, drivers who are using hands free devices or specifically-listed emergency calls.

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Sen Bingman on bill banning cells & texting in school zones.

The Senate approved legislation Thursday that would authorize the issuance of a bond to repair Oklahoma’s state Capitol, which has long been plagued with structural problems.

Additionally, Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman announced the formation of a Senate Capitol Construction Oversight Select Committee to monitor estimates and expenditures as they arise to ensure the funds are spent prudently.

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Sen Treat's closing debate on bill to repair Capitol.
Senate Pro Tem Brian Bingman Weekly Q & A (Week 3)

Time is running out for Oklahomans who want a say in whether or not a horse slaughter plant should be built in their community. Sen. Randy Bass is the author of Senate Joint Resolution 66, which has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Agriculture. So far the measure has not been given a hearing, and if the bill isn’t heard in committee by next Monday, the issue will likely be dead for the session.

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Press Conference on SJR 66.

The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved a proposal to complete the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum with one-time monies from the state’s Unclaimed Property Fund.

The fund, which is comprised of lost and unclaimed monies and no tax or fee revenue, will allow the project to be completed without further obligating the taxpayers and without taking any federal funds. Senate Bill 1651 will take $40 million out of the fund, which will be matched by $40 million in private donations, to help pay for completion of the project.
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Sen. Loveless debates for AICC bill.
Senate Passes Pension Reform Legislation

New state employees would be able to utilize a portable 401(k)-style retirement plan under legislation passed in the state Senate on Wednesday. Senate Bill 2120 will move state employees hired after Nov. 1, 2015 away from the traditional defined benefit to a defined contribution plan, similar to the private sector.

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Sen. Brinkley discusses pension reform bill.

A bill to lower the state’s top income tax rate by .25 percent beginning in 2015 has cleared its first hurdle in the Senate. Sen. Kyle Loveless, R-Oklahoma City, is the principal author of Senate Bill 1246. The measure was approved on a bipartisan vote by the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday.
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Sen. Loveless on committee passage of tax cut bill.