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Brothers to Serve in State Legislature

Representative Mike Reynolds (left) and Senator Jim Reynolds (right) Representative Mike Reynolds (left) and Senator Jim Reynolds (right)

When the 2003 legislative session gets underway in February, State Senator Jim Reynolds will have a new friend and ally in the House of Representatives; his older brother Mike who was elected this fall to his first term in the Oklahoma Legislature. The brothers believe it's a first for the state legislature. The two life-long South Oklahoma City residents represent districts which include parts Del City and Moore.

"My brother and I are extremely competitive, but we are also extremely close. Mike managed my campaign two years ago and I managed his this fall," explained Senator Reynolds, the youngest of the three sons in the Reynolds household. Older brother Mike is a computer consultant, while younger brothers Jim and Bob are both painting contractors.

Although Mike is ten years older, he and his youngest brother were still close growing up.

"When Jim graduated from high school, I was living in Houston at the time. I drove up for his graduation in my Corvette, and the two of us headed out on a road trip to California. It was great," recalled Mike.

But there was of course, the normal sibling rivalry between the two. Jim remembered how as a teen-ager he couldn't wait to get big enough to take on his older brother in wrestling.

"I had finally gotten strong enough to get Mike in a scissor hold. But then after I did, I was scared to death to let him go because I knew my big brother would really get me then. So I held on as long as I could. Of course I finally had to let go," laughed Senator Reynolds.

But Representative Reynolds agreed, despite their tendency to be very competitive in sports and games, they are extremely close, and share the same values and ideals.

"We're cut out of the same cloth. We were raised by wonderful parents who taught us right from wrong and taught us to work hard to accomplish our goals. They gave us a great foundation to build on," said the older Reynolds.

Jim Reynolds said he's excited about working with his brother in the legislature, and said they may even co-author legislation at some point.

"Still, as close as we are, I'm kind of glad he's going to be over in the House," smiled Senator Reynolds. Representative Reynolds agreed.

Contact info
Senate Communications Division - (405) 521-5605