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Sen. Kay Floyd’s Press Releases

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, issued the following statement regarding Senate Bills 108, 503, and 129, which passed the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday.

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Sen. Kay Floyd Press Conference 2_23_23

Sen. Kay Floyd held a press conference on February 23, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. 

Speakers included:

Sen. Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City

Sen. Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City

Sen. Mary Boren, D-Norman

Sen. Jo Anna Dossett, D-Tulsa


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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, issued the following statement regarding Senate Bill 613, which passed the full Senate Wednesday 40-8.

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Sen. Kay Floyd Press Conference 2_9_23

Sen. Kay Floyd held a press conference on February 9, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

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Contact: Democratic Leader Kay Floyd

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Contact: Democratic Leader Kay Floyd

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, released the following statement after officially beginning her third term as Senate Democratic Leader. 

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd took the oath of office on Monday, beginning her final term in the Oklahoma Legislature. Floyd was unopposed for the Senate District 46 seat. Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, was joined by fellow members, friends, and family for the Senate Chamber ceremony.

The OKC metro seat was redrawn after the 2020 U.S. Census, and will, for the first time, include Del City.  Floyd said she looked forward to serving all constituents within Senate District 46.

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OKLAHOMA CITY  Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade:

“I am outraged by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The court’s radical and wrongly decided opinion not only takes away fundamental constitutional rights but also seriously endangers the health of women all across our country.

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