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Sen. Adam Pugh’s Press Releases

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma’s high school students will soon be able to join thousands of others from around the country in taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test under legislation signed into law earlier this week. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, is the author of Senate Bill 642 to provide youth further career guidance.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Legislation was signed Wednesday to better protect the rights of grieving families after the loss of a pregnancy. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, and Rep. Marilyn Stark, R-Bethany, are the authors of Senate Bill 647. Lily’s Law extends to all families, regardless of when a stillbirth or fetal death occurs, the right to request their child’s remains for private burial.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate unanimously approved legislation Tuesday to better inform patients of health care costs upfront to help them in choosing their provider and services. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, is the Senate principal author of House Bill 1006, which would require health care providers and facilities to publicize, and update annually, the costs of the most common health care services electronically or online.

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Every day in Oklahoma, hundreds of pregnancies end in miscarriage and stillbirth.

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The Senate approved legislation Tuesday expanding educational opportunities for Oklahoma families. Senate Bill 783, by Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, modifies the Education Open Transfer Act to allow students to transfer to another public school district year-round. Pugh, who serves as the Chair of the Senate Education Committee, said the bill is desperately needed to provide families more flexibility to find the school that meets the needs of their child.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Each year, the Oklahoma Economic Development Council (OEDC) honors an outstanding legislator who has been a strong advocate for the future of economic development in Oklahoma.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – While more Oklahomans voted in November than in the 2016 presidential election, the state still ranks last for voter turnout as a share of the total voting-eligible population according to the U.S. Elections Project. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, wants to improve voter participation and has filed Senate Bill 440 to extend in-person early voting from three days to one week.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – While Oklahoma has one of the highest active and retired military populations in the nation, it has been ranked as one of the least tax-friendly states for military retirees. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, believes one way to help make Oklahoma more attractive to military veterans is to eliminate the income tax on their retirement. With Senate Bill 401, Oklahoma would join 30 other states in exempting military retirement from state income tax.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Adam Pugh has been named Chairman of the Senate Education Committee for the 58th Legislature by Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City.

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Senator Pugh sworn in for second term

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Adam Pugh began his second term in the Oklahoma State Senate after taking the Oath of Office in the Senate Chamber Monday.

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