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Showing: May, 2015

Calling it a victory for Oklahoma children in rural communities, State Sen. AJ Griffin said she was pleased that Gov. Mary Fallin had signed legislation into law to better protect kids throughout the state from sexual predators.

Griffin, R-Guthrie, is the principal author of Senate Bill 167, co-authored by Rep. Dennis Casey, R-Morrison, in the House. Griffin said the legislation closes a legal loophole regarding “zones of safety” limiting how close registered sex offenders can live or even pass by areas where children tend to be, such as parks, daycare centers and schools. read more.

Sen Griffin says law now better protects children in small towns.

Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman has introduced legislation that would provide funding for construction of the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture, better known as OKPOP. Senate Bill 839 would provide a $25 million bond issue for construction of the facility, which will be self-sustaining under a comprehensive business plan.

Bingman said with historically low interest rates, the state has a rare opportunity to build a Smithsonian-quality museum under a business plan that will require no new ongoing funding from the state.

read more.
Dr. Bob Blackburn discusses proposed funding for OKPOP facility following meeting of joint A&B committee.
Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman's Weekly Q & A (Week 14)