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Sen. Nathan Dahm’s Press Releases

Showing: January, 2020

“Make America Great Again” and “Keep America Great” license plates may soon be cruising by in a lane near you.

Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed Senate Bill 1384, which would create special “Make America Great Again” and “Keep America Great” Oklahoma license plates. Sen. Marty Quinn, R-Claremore, is co-author of the bill.
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Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, wants to crack down on the state’s sanctuary city policies.

Dahm recently filed Senate Bill 1459, which prohibits any municipality in Oklahoma to adopt a sanctuary policy. Under the bill, any city or town that enacts such a policy would be ineligible for state funding through agencies and grants.
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Legislation filed by Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, would declare 2020 the “Year of the Bible.”

Senate Concurrent Resolution 7 would recognize the unique contribution the Bible has made in shaping the United States, including that biblical teachings inspired civil government concepts found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The resolution also recognizes that many U.S. presidents have paid tribute to the influence of the Bible.
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed legislation prohibiting law enforcement entities from enacting policies that require officers, justices or judges to meet traffic citation quotas.

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