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Senate Thanks and Recognizes Efforts of Firefighters

Sen. Lerblance says SR 71 is a vote of thanks and confidence for firefighters.

The Oklahoma State Senate approved a resolution Wednesday thanking and recognizing the efforts of firefighters in dealing with Oklahoma’s recent drought and the resulting wildfires. Senator Richard Lerblance, D-Hartshorne, is the principal author of SR 71. All other Senate members are coauthors of the measure.

“This resolution is an effort to express our appreciation to all those who have given their time, their efforts, their monies and expenses . . . even assistance from other states and Native American entities that have come into Oklahoma to help fight these massive grassfires,” said Lerblance.

Lerblance noted that according to the National Weather Service, Oklahoma received only one-quarter inch of rain between October 2005 and January 2006. The state has experienced the second-driest six-month period since 1917.

Since last fall more than 1,000 fires have burned over a half million acres in Oklahoma. Hundreds of structures have been destroyed, numerous people have been injured and at least two have died as a result of the fires. However, Lerblance said it would have been worse if not for the efforts of these firefighters.

“I think all this is is a vote of thanks and confidence to our firefighters for the great job they’ve done,” continued Lerblance. “The men and women involved in battling these blazes, whether volunteer or professional, from Oklahoma or outside the state, and regardless of what level of government or what tribe employs them, deserve the heartfelt thanks and gratitude of every Oklahoman.

Contact info
Senator Lerblance's Office - (405) 521-5604